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An Ottoman legal edict regarding Ibn al-Arabi

Teacher of Sultan Selim the Resolute:

11/25/20232 min read

An Ottoman legal edict passed by Kemal Pashazade, Teacher of Sultan Selim the Resolute:

all praise is due to Allah who brought us to the level of knowledge and obedience so that we might pass a just decision, and peace and blessings upon His Prophet whom He has sent with divine instruction to correct the misguided.

We declare to all men:

Know that one of the greatest of all teachers, the leader of those who believe in divine unity, the Pole of Knowledge, the performer of miracles, Muhammad ibn 'Arabi at-Ta'i, known as Shaikh Muhyiddin of Andalusia, is a perfect man who abided by all that Allah has sent.

He is a virtuous guide, legendary in his incredible miracles. He is responsible for the education of multitudes of men of knowledge, honored by all for their piety and virtue. Whoever denies him and accuses him of blasphemy is himself blasphemous. If someone insists on denying him the praise due him and continues to accuse him, it befalls the sultan to punish him, as well as to insist that the condemned one retract his statements. May the sultan abide with this edict, a reflection of divine justice.

Shaikh Muyhiddin has written many books, the most important of which are Futuhat al-Makkiyyah and Fusus al-Hikam. These books contain some material the content and expression of which is clear and understand-able to all. Other material is veiled and kept secret from the eyes of people who only see the exterior of things. It belongs to those who are able to discover and see the inner reality. All of it is in accordance with divine ordinances as well as the canons brought by our Master, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings upon him. The ones who do not understand some things, distort them. Those who cannot understand these refinements should remain silent.

They certainly should not accuse the writer of their own misinterpretations. I base my legal opinion upon what Allah, the Ultimate Truth, says in Surah Isra', 36:

Do not pass judgment upon that of which thou hast no knowledge. Otherwise your ears, your eyes and your heart will hold you responsible.