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Support our cause for publication and translation of Shaykh al-Akbar Ibn al-Arabi's books in Urdu language.
Dedicated to
Ibn al-Arabi's Legacy
We are committed to promoting and translating Shaykh al-Akbar Ibn al-Arabi's works in Urdu, ensuring his profound teachings reach a wider audience. Help us achieve this goal by donating
30+ Works edited and translated into Urdu
18 years of research and publication experience

Publications & Translations
Support our projects for publication and translation of Shaykh al-Akbar Ibn al-Arabi's books.

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The Ibn al-Arabi Foundation in Pakistan is dedicated to reviving the teachings and scholarship of Shaykh al-Akbar Ibn al-Arabi. They aim to achieve this through various means, such as preparing authentic critical Arabic editions of his texts, translating his works, and publishing bilingual editions. The Foundation also seeks to build resources that will enable a better understanding of Ibn al-Arabi's teachings.

Futuhat [donations]
The Ibn al-Arabi Foundation in Pakistan is currently working on the Magnum opus of Ibn al-Arabi, the Futuhat al-Makkiyya . This book has not been translated completely into Urdu before, so the Foundation is doing the first-ever translation. To complete this project, the Foundation requires funding of at least 15000 USD. This will enable them to proceed with the translation and publishing process. By supporting the Foundation's efforts, you can help make this valuable knowledge accessible to a wider audience.
How to support Ibn al-Arabi Foundation
To summarize, here are the ways you can support the Ibn al-Arabi Foundation in Pakistan:
Support the preparation of an authentic critical Arabic edition of a work
Help in publishing a translation of an ongoing project
Share your resources to make publication possible
Engage the Foundation for the translation and publishing of a specific work of Ibn al-Arabi
Donate books and other materials relevant to their mission
Contribute as a volunteer, using your skills and expertise to support the Foundation's work

Our Readers
Discover what our readers think about our books
The book quality was awsome. The hard work which you people put in translating these books is laudable. Ibne Arabi's philosophy is by nature hard to understand by a common man. But this foundation has really tried to bring it to the level of everyone. Everyone is appreciated in this noble task.
Nayab Anwar
ہمارے اداروں میں تو تحقیق و تصانیف کا جو حال ہے سو ہے مگر وطن عزیز میں خداداد صلاحیتوں کے حامل کچھ افراد ایسے بھی ہیں جو تنہا اتنا کام کر جاتے ہیں جو اداروں کے کاموں پہ کئی گنا بھاری ہوتا ہے. ایک ایسی ہی شخصیت ہمارے نہایت فاضل دوست حضرت ابرار احمد شاہی صاحب ہیں. آپ نے کئی سال قبل شیخ اکبر کے آثار کو اردو میں منتقل کرنے کا بیڑا اٹھایا
حسن نواز شاہ
ابھی مقدمہ حجابات پڑھا سبحان اللہ! یہ تو الگ سے ایک چھوٹا تحقیقی مقالہ ہے۔ اللہ آپ کو جزائے خیر دے۔ میرا ناقصانہ مشورہ ہے کہ شیخ کی کتب سے اہم امور کی فہرست بنائیں اور پھر اسی مقالے کی طرح شیخ کی کتب سے اکتباسات اکٹھے کرکے کہ ایک کتاب تحریر کریں یہ بڑا علمی کام ہوگا اور آپ کے لئے کوئی مشکل نہیں والسلام
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Acc Title: Abrar Ahmed
Acc # 3012-0006173-0001
IBAN # PK21BKIP0301200061730001
Bank Islami Private Limited (Code BIPL)
Branch: Chaklala Scheme 3 Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Acc Title: Abrar Ahmed
Acc # 08070103334816
IBAN # PK39MEZN0008070103334816
Meezan Bank Private Limited
Branch: Chaklala Scheme 3 Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
Acc Title: Abrar Ahmed
Acc # 03345463996
IBAN # PK63SADA0000003345463996
Sadapay Digital wallerMeezan Bank Private Limited Branch: Chaklala Scheme 3 Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
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