Founder of "Ibn al-Arabi Foundation", a research institute dedicated towards the research and publications of the works of “Shaykh al-Akbar Muhyiddīn Ibn al-Arabi” in the spiritual guidance of Shaykh Ahmed Muhammad Ali; Shaykh of Akbari Tariqa from Egypt.

Abrar Ahmed Shahi

“Ibn al-Arabi Foundation”—a sacred sanctuary where the luminous wisdom of Shaykh al-Akbar Mohiuddin Ibn al-Arabi unfurls its petals. Under the guidance of the celestial whispers of Shaykh Ahmed Muhammad Ali, Founder of the long forgotten Akbari Tariqa nurturing hearts and minds in the fragrant gardens of divine revelation.

Arabic Critical Editions

My Journey

Successfully edited and published the following works of Shaykh al-Akbar Ibn al-Arabi in Arabic:

  1. Kitāb al-Isfar ‘an Natā’ij al-Asfār,
    Critical Edition made by 8 best available manuscripts with Urdu translation.

  2. Kitāb al-Ḥujub
    Established it’s first Critical Edition. Translated this same work into English and Urdu with a deep analysis about the concept of veils according to Ibn al-Arabi in comparasion with the Hindu concept of Māyā.

  3. Rūḥ al-quds fī munāṣaḥat al-nafs
    Established it’s first Critical Edition. Translated the same work in its entirety into contemporary understandable Urdu.

  4. K. Mukhtaṣar al-durrat al-fākhira
    Established it’s first Critical Edition. Translated the same work in its entirety into contemporary understandable Urdu.

  5. Al-Tadbīrāt al-ilāhiyya
    Established it’s Critical Edition from the author’s autograph. Translated the same work in its entirety into contemporary understandable Urdu.

  6. Kashf al-maʿnā ‘an sirr Asma Allah al-Husna
    Established it’s Critical Edition and translated the same work in its entirety into Urdu, with extensive comments from Futuhat.

  7. Kitāb al-Bā
    Critical Edition plus Urdu translation.

  8. Kitāb al-Azal
    Critical Edition plus Urdu translation.

  9. Naqsh al-Fusus
    Critical Edition plus Urdu translation.

  10. Kitab al-Nasiah
    Critical Edition plus Urdu translation.

  11. Risala Insha al-Dawair
    Critical Edition plus Urdu translation.

  12. Kitab al-Jalala
    Critical Edition plus Urdu translation.

  13. Kitab al-Hu
    Critical Edition plus Urdu translation.

  14. Risala al-Qasam al-Ilahi bi ism al-Rabbani
    Critical Edition plus Urdu translation.

  15. Risala meem waw nun
    Critical Edition plus Urdu translation.

  16. kitab al-Alif
    Critical Edition plus Urdu translation

  17. Taj al-Tarajum
    Critical Edition plus Urdu translation

  18. Fusus al-Hikam wa khusus al-kalim
    Critical Edition plus Urdu translation (2015-2024)

  19. Mawaqi al-Nujum
    Critical Edition plus Urdu translation. (2019-2023)

  20. Anqa Mughrib
    Critical Edition plus Urdu translation (March 2020)

  21. Kitab al-Isra
    Critical Edition plus Urdu translation (2023)

  22. Risalat al-Anwar
    Critical Edition plus Urdu translation

Our Published Books

Browse through our extensive library of books from Ibn al-Arabi Foundation. Each book is a valuable resource for those seeking knowledge and inspiration.

  1. Rasā’il Ibn al-Arabi (2008 Edition)
    it includes 12 short treaties of Shaykh al-Akbar.

  2. Tadbīrāt al-Ilāhiyya fī Islāh al-mamlaka al-Insāniyya
    (1st-2009 2nd-2016 and 3rd Edition-2020)

  3. 101 Hadīth Qudsī (The Mishkāt al-Anwār of Ibn al-Arabi).
    (1st-2010 2nd-2015 and 3rd Edition-2021)

  4. Kitāb al-Isfar ‘an Natā’ij al-Asfār
    (1st-2011 2nd-2018 and 3rd Edition-2024)

  5. Rūḥ al-quds fī munāṣaḥat al-nafs
    (1st-2012 2nd-2016 and 3rd Edition-2024)

  6. Kashf al-maʿnā ‘an sirr Asma Allah al-Husna
    (1st -2014 and 2nd Edition -2024)

  7. Rasā’il Ibn al-Arabi (vol -1)
    Five Rasails of Ibn al-Arabi. (2014 Edition)

  8. Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam fi khusus al Kalim
    (1st Edition 2015 - 2nd Edition 2024)

  9. Futuhat al-Makkiyya [Volumes]
    1- (vol 36-37) (1st-2016 and 2nd Edition -2022)
    2- (vol 1-2) (1st Edition 2024)

  10. Mawaqi al Nujum by Ibn al Arabi
    (1st. 2019 and 2nd Edition 2022)

  11. Anqa Mughrib
    (1st Edition - March 2020)

  12. Rasail Ibn al-Arabi [Vol-1]
    [May 2021]

  13. Rasail Ibn al-Arabi [Vol-2]
    [June 2021]

  14. Rasail Ibn al-Arabi [Vol-3]
    [August 2021]

  15. Rasail Ibn al-Arabi [Vol-4]
    [November 2021]

  16. Kitab al-Isra
    (1st Edition - 2023)

  17. Kitab al-Tajalliyat
    [Coming Soon 2024]

فہرست کتب اور رسائل

13. نقش الفصوص

14. مختصر الدرة الفاخرة

15. كتاب الحجب

16. كتاب الباء

1. كتاب الوصية

2. الفنا في المشاهدة

3. حلية الأبدال

4. رسالة إلي الإمام الرازي

5. اصطلاحات الصوفية

6. كتاب الجلال والجمال

7. كتاب الأحدية

8. كتاب الجلالة

9. رسالة الأحرف الثلاثة

10. رسالة القسم الإلهي

11. رسالة الأنوار

12. كتاب التراجم

21. مشكاة الأنوار
(101 احاديث قدسی)

22. كتاب الاسفار
(روحانی اسفار اور ان کے ثمرات)

23. التدبيرات الإلهية
(اصلاح انسان کی خدائی تدبیرات)

24. روح القدس في مناصحة النفس
(اصلاح نفس کا آئینہ حق)

25. فصوص الحكم وخصوص الکلم

26. كشف المعني عن سر أسماء الله الحسنى
(اسمائے الہیہ کے اسرار و معانی)

27. الفتوحات المكية
(چار جلد شائع ہو چکی ہیں اور مزید دو ترجمہ ہو چکیں)

28. مواقع النجوم

29. عنقاء مغرب

30. كنه ما لا بد للمريد منه

31. کتاب الاسراء إلى المقام الأسرى
(ابن العربی کی روحانی معراج)

32. کتاب التجلیات (عنقریب)

17. كتاب الأزل

18. كتاب الهو

19. رسالة انشاء الدوائر

20. كتاب النصائح(غیر مطبوعہ)

مطبوعہ رسائل (رسائل ابن العربی سن 2013 ایڈیشن)

مطبوعہ کتب (2008-2024)

white painted wall


Covers of our published books

With good experience in the latest techniques for manuscript and book digitization, I have successfully digitized over 40 manuscripts of Shaykh al-Akbar Ibn al-Arabi. These valuable works are now preserved and easily accessible online through the Ibn al-Arabi Foundation’s website


Books publishing

With 18 years of publication experience, I’ve been involved in every aspect of the process, from formatting to printing. As the head of the Ibn al-Arabi Foundation, I’ve successfully published 20 books by Ibn al-Arabi in both Arabic and Urdu. Additionally, I’m currently working on several other exciting projects.

Ibn al-Arabi Books translation

With 18 years of translation experience in Arabic, English, and Urdu, I have successfully rendered over 30 works by Shaykh al-Akbar Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi into contemporary, accessible Urdu.

Manuscript digitization

Youtube Channel

Here you can find all of our activities on youtube